Summer Trip Planning: 7 Tips

2 excited people in a car leaving on a road trip. The car is overloaded with all the things they need on their vacation

Last week we got our first taste of warm weather in Minnesota.  Which got me thinking about upcoming summer vacations. It seems there are always 1000 things to do in preparation. Here are 7 tips to help make a smoother trip:

  1. Clean out the fridge.  Eat or get rid of anything perishable.  Be sure to clean the sink and garbage disposal so nothing is lurking in there to cause a smell.  
  2. Manage the trash.  Take out all the garbage including the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms.  Also, if you’re gone for garbage day, plan to have your garbage and recycling taken out and put back.  You don’t want your bins sitting at the end of the driveway, or to return home to a full bin that’s been rotting in a hot garage. 
  3. Stop the Mail. Make sure there won’t be any delayed or surprise amazon packages.
  4. Clean out your wallets. Take only what is essential.
  5. Leave an itinerary with someone back home. Also, leave behind copies of your passport or other critical documents, just in case.
  6. Set a few lights on timers.  This helps make it look like someone is home. 
  7. Have a freezer meal for your return. Avoid returning home exhausted, hungry and not having any home cooked food.

 “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.” — Wendy Wunder

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